Friday, April 4, 2008

Merrell Family Receives "AVERY AWARD"


Avery checked in at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2008
at American Fork Hospital weighing 7 lbs. 13 oz.

Grandma Gloria greets her 17th grandchild with a broad smile and joyful heart.

Avrey William Merrell, our most recent gift from our loving Heavenly Father.

Randy and Melanie were scheduled to be at the hospital this morning, April 4, at 7:00 a.m. However, the hospital had some unscheduled deliveries earlier this morning so they had to put Melanie on hold in order to accomodate them. So, Melanie and Randy didn't leave home for the hospital until close to 9:00 o'clock.
Gloria drove the kids to school and Jarom stayed with me at the house while she was gone. We played with some of his put-together toys. A little later, Gloria went on a trip to an in-home copy center to get some Primay material from old copies of the Children's Friend plus some things at Albertson's. Jarom watched a DVD of "101 Dalmations". Randy telephoned from the hospital to tell me that Melanie still hadn't had the baby but that they were going to induce he starting at 1:30 p.m. Gloria returned around 11:45 and we had some turkey sandwiches.
I layed down for my nap about 1:30 and slept until around 4:00. The children were home from school by then and Randy came home shortly after I arose with the news that Avrey was born at 2:00, just one half hour after Melanie was induced. Everything had gone very well and he is a healthy and handsome bundle of joy.
Shortly thereafter, everyone but me went back to the hospital to see the baby and to take a few more pictures. Some of the pictures taken with our camera are shown above. After seeing the baby and Melanie, Randy stayed at the hospital and Gloria and the children went to McDonald's for something to eat. In the meantime, I watched a little TV, mostly the evening news and then I headed to the computer to complete this blog. So, that's about it for today.
Oh yes, Macy called to congratulate Melanie and the family, and I had to tease her about her latest escapade in Boston (all by herself, and all). She said it was interesting but short. The weather was cold and she didn't see a whole lot. She does, however, want to go back sometime with Nate. They said that Nate was buying plane tickets to come see us from May 29 to June 10, as I recall. Yippie!!
Adios for now, companeros. Love Dad


Macy Perrone said...

yeah! i've been dying to see pictures. once again, i love him already and can't wait to get my hands on him. will may 29th get here already!

Macy Perrone said...

I love the title of the post by the way!